Sunday 13 January 2013

To Think On A Thought...

In my previous post, I spoke about "creating "meaning"... through religion, a hobby, a career, a family."
All of these are merely a crutch for man to lean upon throughout life, in order that he, at the end of his life can say to himself: "I accomplished something"

Honestly though  he accomplished shit.

Religion being the first crutch, I know first hand the damaging effects of a religion. Religion portrays a god (I speak only for monotheist's in this case, particularly Christians, if that's not your thing then I suppose this doesn't apply) who although cruel in the past has becoming gradually more lenient in his standards throughout time, asking only that humans conform to authority, spend time on worthless pursuits, and speak to him and put faith in him (her?).

I've been in a religion, and I was so very happy throughout that time until I realised that maybe not everything is true, and began to turn my back on religion, and god, slowly but surely. The worst part of this is I cannot leave without breaking a heart or two, and breaking off 50% of my friendships. Although I am a Nihilist, I cannot fight my basic human emotions and empathy towards these people, I feel sorry for their ignorance, hate them for shunning me, and love them like a brother for being there for me and because over 16 years, I've bonded with them.

But I can't stay for them, and although they believe in an afterlife, they need to understand I don't nd won't join them in that life.

Eternal Life scares me, as does permanence.
Despite this I also hate change, so I've learned to become periodically ignorant to my surroundings during a time of change to make it seem less drastic and less stressful.

Digressing so I'll make this short and sweet, religion is a crutch. If you find the right one, research it from BOTH sides, inform me and we'll enjoy together forever.

A fantasy we can all dream of, but alas... there is nothing.

A Hobby:
Here we merely create meaning. A hobby can be essentially anything ranging from art to science to learning about life skills. By creating meaning we are able to turn a blind eye to the meaninglessness in our lives, a short or long term investment which feels satisfying, but is ultimately done in vain.

I wish I could have a hobby I think of every day and night, that way I wouldn't be so scared of death by becoming another meaningless statistic.

But yes hobbies, are a distraction, however one of the most meaningful pursuits of the four I quoted.

A Career:
This and religion are fighting for last place here. A career however can be meaningful.
I speak of the 99% of employees working underneath a multi-million (billion) dollar company of course. Although I am one of them, I'm young and will not slave meaninglessly for those above if I can help it.
I don't honestly see the point in slaving everyday for a smaller salary then the bigger guys, some of which do nothing.
And this slaving away is also a distraction from our lives, and an effective one too.

A Family:
Probably the most meaningful of the lot, but nonetheless I ask what is the point of furthering your bloodline when everything will eventually be wiped out.

Family was touched on briefly but only because it has similar characteristics to the others above.

So these are the crutches of man in my opinion so I'll lean on them if I want too, and so can you, but life is just a spontaneous experience which we'll never recall, so let's enjoy it while its there.

Monday 7 January 2013

A thought on Nihilism

If my understanding of the concept or ideology is correct, there is absolutely no point to anything in life.
We are born, we experience our existence, and then instantaneously it's forgotten, with the loss of consciousness in death.
I like this philosophy, as everything in life loses its meaning, something we've placed on life to give it purpose.
War gives politicians and the military an opportunity to 'kill' (Morbid but true) time. In every death, the person loses consciousness and time loses its meaning to him/her. To us it continues and we suffer the grief and loss that everyone must experience and then allow others to mourn over our graves.
Really now matter how much I accomplish in life, I will be forgotten in a maximum of 200 years time (Assuming I bother to do something with my life) tops.

And I'm okay with that. I'm okay with no longer existing, because this was pointless.

On one hand we have a society built on existentialism (once again forgive my misuse of the term (If I have misused them)), that is to say, "creating" meaning for people to focus on.
Whether that be through religion, a hobby, a career, a family. All these things allow us to pass time stressing, forgetting, and exploring life before it abruptly ends and we forget everything we accomplished, a few cry over us for 1 day to 1 year.

...and then life continues, because stopping for a single person, one insignificant human being in a society based around the concept of time and a society home to over seven billion people, is pointless.

One dies every second, and I've seen that happen, twice. I know people who have involuntarily seen people shot for no apparent reason, yet we'll never stop for them.
People aren't important until they die, and even then they are only of importance for the maximum of a week.

I speak of course about the common man. Celebrities also too will be forgotten along with the trends of an era. Eventually time will get ahead of us and perhaps another dark age will occur, where, following the only method of communication being a possibly dead language(s) and writing, and the passing of information being only from orating it, The Beatles sang Smells Like Teen Spirit, new religions emerge to replace Catholicism etc.

Eventually our lifetime is lost in history like much of the antiquity is today.
Archaeologists don't care what happened during our lifetimes.
We consumed the Earth, destroyed and left it for them to figure out our problems, but I don't care,

I am a Nihilist.

At this moment in time I'm surprised 90% of people aren't making use of this time.
Me, I've got to go to school, get a job and be forgotten, hopefully before becoming a statistic to a wide range of incurable diseases and illnesses.

I'm surprised the human race isn't making the most of this time and simply pairing off with the opposite sex and fucking each others brains out for the pure pleasure found in life and existence.

People don't do this because some idiot with a sword and the loyalty of his friends, organised and forced us to work for a living and suffer for the advancement of mankind. Life ended up being a consumers dream, a poverty stricken wasteland, and a society conforming to its own assumed standards all at once. Why? Because the population with no more meaning to their existences as I have decided to be fearful of one another and stop thinking outside the square, Lifeis how it is and there is no point in changing it.

That's correct, because there is no point in suffering for betterment of humankind when I, we, and the future: they, will be dead and forgotten either when we die, or when the sun explodes and the universe can no longer support life, along with its history books which lack our names.

When I am dead, I won't know it.
And I'm ok with that...

Tuesday 1 January 2013

Well Hello

I'm not much of a writer, however aspiration to be one has always been a thought of mine. Despite the lack of motivation I have today, I promised to write three posts a week for a month to see how I feel about this blogging idea.

I tried blogging once, was gonna set up an album review blog after getting right into reading reviews and wanting to create my own but that, like every style of writing I've attempted to do, failed.

The only things I can write are short (incredibly short (see /r/sixwordstories)) or poetry. The reasons being I'm a fan of quality rather then quantity, my attention span is relatively short, and I love finding emotion in words.
I also like to get deep and meaningful (or at least I feel I am being so) and therefore I'll butt in with the fact that words are nothing without meaning. Furthermore, words require other words to explain themselves, which baffles me to be honest.

In conclusion, I hate the sound of my keyboard....